A downloadable asset pack

These are from a long abandoned project. Turns out making farming sims is hard haha. I uploaded all of these to OpenGameArt years ago, and only recently thought to upload them here, too.

  • buildings: 32x32 tiles to create buildings and dome walls for a space colony
  • inside: 32x32 assets for a futuristic doctor's office. Includes bandaged sprite.
  • outside: Terrain and plant sprites and tiles
  • sprites: Includes a psd with the separate clothes/hair/bodies etc, sprite sheets, and original character designs (which got changed a bit for the sprites).
  • terrain: A variation on some of the grass and tilled soil tiles from the lpc terrain tiles
  • walkcycle: A 4 part androgynous 16x32 pixel walk sprite

Everything is released as Creative Commons Same Attribution, meaning that anything you make with them must have the same license and give credit back to me. 

Specific credits for the assets I drew from is included in the zip files. The pixel walk sprite is based on the LPC sprites: http://lpc.opengameart.org/static/lpc-style-guide/assets.html by Stephen Challener. All the others generally draw heavily on the LPC art too.


sprites.zip 689 kB
outside.zip 149 kB
inside.zip 16 kB
buildings.zip 18 kB
walkcycle.png 3.9 kB

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